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Items Tab in the Builder



This text is displayed under the picture that is shown to the player when s/he looks at the item. Use the description to help your player understand what s/he has found. Use your imagination to breath life into your objects!


This dropdown menu lets you select the picture that is shown to the player to illustrate your item. Several items can “share” the same picture if you decide to do so. The dropdown list contains all the media objects that we have defined in the previous chapter of this tutorial. Please select only picture media, sound is not (yet?) handled by this procedure. You have to follow this guideline if you want to use sound in your cartridges.


This is a property that you can use if your item is a box or a similar container. You can check the status of the Locked property and allow the player to open the item only if Item/Locked is set to NO. We are currently dealing with a key and do therefore not need this setting, but maybe holding this key will allow us to unlock something later!


This is a property that you can use if your item is capable of being opened; for example, a door. You can check the status of the Opened property and allow the player to pass the door only if the status of Item/Opened is YES. We are currently dealing with a key and do therefore not need this setting.


This property is useful if you want to hide objects and make them appear in your cartridge. If the Visible property is NO, your item will not be shown to the player (even if the item is in the same Zone as the player). You need to set Items/Visible to YES in order to let your players see the object. I have decided to hide the key in the “Tiny Adventure” and therefore the status of this property remains NO (unchecked).


This dropdown box allows you to position the item inside one of the zones that you have already created in the first section of this tutorial. In the “Tiny Adventure” the Kingdom Key is hidden in the roots of The Tree. Once you select The Tree as the container for the Kingdom Key the Item/Location will automatically be updated to represent the coordinates of The Tree. Both settings (Container and Location) are independent properties of your item but to the best of my knowledge different Wherigo Players use either the Container or the Location (coordinate) to determine item position and interaction. To avoid trouble with different players I like to leave the Item/Location as it is automatically updated.

Look at the screenshot above and complete the settings for “The Kingdom Key”

  1. Description
  2. Media
  3. Container (zone)



Is the text that your human player will see on the button(s) under the image of your item. Consider the actions that you intend to do with your item. Each action will become a text input. If you are for example creating commands for a key, good ideas could be:

  • pick up
  • lock door
  • unlock door
  • hide

Allows you to switch the respective command button(s) on or of. This feature is nice if you don't want to give away the future usage of your item. Events in the progress of your cartridge will give you opportunities to control this value (e.g. switch on the button “unlock door” once the player is standing in front of the door).

Message when no target

Refers to the “Works with other objects” selection box that will be described in the next paragraph. This is the text that your human player will see if none of the “works with” objects (see next paragraph) is within reach of your player. A good example for this is a key that works together with a door. If the door is not visible to the player (is not in the zone of the player) the unlock command will not fire but it will display the message that you have entered in this field. For the key example this could be: “There is no lock here”.

Works with other objects

If you want to create an item that needs to be used together with other objects (characters, zones or items) you have to enable this option. This option has to be YES in order to get access to the “Works with all objects selector” and the “List of objects” (see next chapter). This option makes sure the event associated with this command does not fire when only the command is selected. The event will now only fire if the command is selected and one of the required objects is nearby and selected.

Event firing is changed from: “command required” to “command plus object required”.

Works with all objects

Select YES if any object will do the trick for you. Select NO if you want to provide a detailed list of objects (see next chapter) that can be used with your item.

List of objects

All possible objects (characters, zones or items) of your cartridge are offered in a drop down list. Select the objects by holding CTRL and clicking on the desired list entries. Your selection will be highlighted. If you want to accept the list, click to the right of the selection box. All selected objects will now be visible under the “List of objects” headline.

If the human player activates the associated command all objects on this list that are visible to him will be displayed. The human player can select the desired object. But remember the fact that there will be only one event associated with this list. Every visible object from this list will trigger the same event. You can easily see this because there is only one command event available on the events tab.

If we go back to the key example, one key could open several locks (lock1, Lock2, Lock3, old Lock, …) that are located in different zones of your cartridge. The human player would be offered only one lock per zone because all other locks are not visible to the human player. However you will have to make sure that the single event associated with this command checks the players location (zone) and opens the correct lock.


(Explanation of events tab)


(Explanation of map tab)

items.txt · Last modified: 2012/07/09 23:54 (external edit)